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Payment Methods

Standard ACH
Standard processing times.

Same Day ACH
Expedite your payments.

Instant Payments
Transfers in near real-time.


Digital Wallet
Initiate faster transactions by utilizing Dwolla's Digital Wallet to hold funds.

Dwolla Dashboard
Access and manage your payments data through our user-friendly interface.

Mass Pay
Send multiple bank transfers with a single API request.

Drop-In Components
Complete a payment integration more quickly using pre-built components.

Real-time notifications.

Correlation IDs
Tracking transactions and reconciling bank records.

Addenda Records
Additional transaction information, like a note or memo.


Open Banking Services
Instant account verification, balance checks and fraud mitigation.

Digital interactions result in unique identifiers.

Bank Verification
Smoother, safer, more efficient transactions.

Secure Exchange Solution
Securely exchange data with trusted partners.


Sandbox Environment
Simulate use cases and try out features.

Dedicated Support
Supporting your payments journey.


Your Guide to Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Automation

For enterprise-sized businesses that manage countless financial transactions, manually handling Accounts Payable (AP) and Accounts Receivable (AR) processes can be a significant bottleneck. Clunky AP/AR processes consume valuable time, introduce errors and disrupt cash flow, negatively impacting a business’s financial health and competitiveness. Efficient AP/AR processes reduce errors, enhance supplier/customer relationships, improve cash flow and free up resources for strategic activities, ultimately contributing to happier suppliers/customers and a healthier bottom line.

This guide explores how automation can transform AP and AR processes, leading to improved efficiency and ultimately more profit.


Overview of AP/AR processes

AP/AR processes are essential to businesses because they form the financial backbone of operations. AP ensures that a company meets its financial obligations by managing the payment of bills, invoices and expenses. Efficient AP processes pay suppliers in a timely manner, maintain strong vendor relationships and optimize cash flow. The AP process begins with the receipt and verification of supplier invoices, followed by matching them with purchase orders and obtaining necessary approvals. Invoices are coded and scheduled for payment, with an emphasis on adhering to payment terms and efficient processing.

AR focuses on collecting payments from customers, which is crucial for sustaining revenue and profitability. Effective AR processes not only ensure that a business gets paid for its products or services but also enhance customer relationships. The AR process involves creating and issuing invoices to customers, receiving and reconciling payments, and actively managing collections for overdue accounts. Payments are carefully applied to customer accounts, and regular reporting is conducted to assess the health of receivables and customer payment behaviors. 

Together, AP and AR provide the financial stability, liquidity and insights necessary for businesses to thrive, make informed decisions and achieve long-term success.

AP and AR processes can be complicated due to a variety of factors. In AP, managing diverse payment methods, supplier relationships and invoice formats can lead to complexity. Verifying invoices, ensuring compliance with tax regulations and handling exceptions or discrepancies require careful attention. 

On the AR side, businesses deal with the intricacies of diverse customer payment preferences, reconciling accounts and managing collections. Both AP and AR involve substantial data entry and reconciliation, which are prone to errors when done manually. Additionally, the need for timely communication and the potential for disputes or delays further add to the complexity. 

As businesses grow, the volume of transactions and the diversity of stakeholders can exacerbate these complexities, making efficient automation and streamlined processes all the more crucial. 

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Types of AP/AR Automation

Nearly every step of AP and AR processes can be automated entirely or facilitated by a digital workflow.

Invoicing and Invoice Processing

  • Invoice capture: Software can extract relevant data from invoices and input it directly into your ERP system, reducing manual data entry.
  • Invoice approval workflows: Automate routing of invoices for approval, with notifications and escalations for overdue approvals.
  • Electronic invoicing: Send and receive invoices electronically, accelerating payment processing.
  • Machine-readable invoices: Encourage vendors to submit invoices in machine-readable formats (e.g., XML or JSON) for seamless integration into AP systems.

Payments and Reconciliation

  • Automated clearing house (ACH) payments: Automate the transfer of funds electronically, reducing the need for paper checks.
  • Transaction matching: Systems can match incoming payments with outstanding invoices, reducing manual reconciliation efforts.
  • Exception handling: Automated systems can flag and resolve discrepancies, streamlining the reconciliation process.

Document and Data Management

  • Document capture and storage: Digitize and store invoices, receipts and other financial documents for easy retrieval and audit purposes. 
  • Supplier and customer data: Create self-service portals for suppliers and customers to access invoices, payment status and transaction history, reducing inquiries and enhancing transparency.
  • Data validation: Automation tools can maintain up-to-date vendor and customer records, reducing errors and duplicate entries.

Analytics and Reporting

  • Data analytics: Automate routine data analysis to gain insights into spending patterns, cash flow, and other key metrics.
  • Scheduled reporting: Automate the generation and distribution of financial reports to relevant stakeholders.

By leveraging these types of automation, businesses can not only streamline their AP and AR processes but also reduce costs, improve cash flow management, enhance transparency and simplify compliance. 

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Benefits of AP/AR Automation

For an enterprise-sized business, AP/AR automation translates into streamlined financial processes, significantly reducing manual workloads and the potential for errors. This efficiency leads to improved cash flow management and cost savings. Enhanced visibility and control over financial operations enable better decision-making, while automation ensures compliance with regulations, reducing the risk of compliance issues.

Efficiency gains and reduced manual work

The most immediate benefit of AP/AR automation is improved efficiency. AP/AR tasks take less time and are more likely to be done right the first time.

Automated Data Entry: AP automation systems can automatically capture data from invoices, reducing the need for manual data entry. This minimizes errors and speeds up invoice processing.

Electronic Payments: AR automation replaces paper checks with electronic payment methods, such as ACH transfers and credit card payments. This accelerates payment processing, reduces the need for printing and mailing checks, and minimizes manual payment reconciliation.

Payment Reminders and Notifications: In AR, automation can send payment reminders and notifications to customers. This encourages timely payments and reduces the need for manual follow-up.

Document Management: AP and AR automation systems digitize and store financial documents, making them easily accessible and searchable. This eliminates the need for manual document filing, retrieval and storage.

Data Validation: Automation includes data validation checks to ensure the accuracy and completeness of financial data. This reduces the risk of errors and discrepancies that could lead to manual corrections.

AP/AR automation streamlines processes, minimizes manual intervention, reduces errors, and speeds up the completion of tasks. This improves operational efficiency and frees up valuable time and resources for more strategic activities, enhancing the overall effectiveness of finance departments.

Improved cash flow management

AP and AR automation also improves cash flow management by giving finance teams more control over the timing of payments, increased accuracy in forecasting payables and receivables, and greater visibility into the status of every payment.

Faster Invoice Processing: Automation accelerates the processing of invoices, reducing the time it takes for payments to be received from customers and for bills to be paid to suppliers. This speedier turnaround enhances liquidity and ensures that funds are available when needed.

Timely Payment and Collection: Automated payment reminders and notifications in AR make it more likely that customers pay invoices promptly. In AP, automated payment scheduling ensures bills are paid on time, avoiding late fees. This predictability in cash inflow and outflow contributes to better cash flow planning.

Optimized Working Capital: Efficient AP and AR processes free up working capital that would otherwise be tied up in accounts payable or accounts receivable. These released funds can be invested in growth opportunities or used to meet short-term financial obligations.

Improved Visibility: Automation provides real-time access to financial data, enabling businesses to monitor cash flow in real-time. With better visibility, they can make informed decisions about managing cash reserves and investing excess funds.

Strategic Insights: Automated reporting and analytics tools can provide insights into spending patterns, revenue projections and historical cash flow trends. This data helps businesses make proactive decisions to optimize cash flow.

AP/AR automation contributes to more predictable, accurate, and efficient cash flow management. This, in turn, enables businesses to maintain financial stability, capitalize on opportunities and weather financial challenges effectively.

Enhanced visibility and control

Similarly, AP/AR automation improves visibility and control by providing real-time insights, transparency into processes, secure access management and robust reporting and analytics.

Real-Time Data Access: Automation provides real-time access to financial data, allowing businesses to monitor AP and AR activities as they happen. This real-time visibility enables better decision-making and more accurate financial planning.

Audit Trails: Automation systems maintain detailed audit trails of all transactions, approvals and changes. These audit trails provide a complete history of financial activities, aiding in compliance audits and dispute resolution.

Automated Alerts and Notifications: AP and AR automation systems can send automated alerts and notifications for various events, such as invoice approvals, payment due dates and account reconciliations. These notifications keep stakeholders informed and ensure timely actions are taken.

Data Analytics and Reporting: Automated systems generate customizable reports that offer insights into key financial metrics, such as outstanding invoices, payment status and cash flow projections. Robust data enables businesses to analyze trends, identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions. These insights contribute to better control over financial processes.

Centralized Data Repository: Automation systems often centralize financial data, making it easier to access and control. This centralization reduces the risk of data silos and ensures consistency in data management.

When finance teams and decision makers have greater visibility into transaction activity, they are empowered to make informed data-driven decisions, precisely manage payment operations and effectively optimize adjacent business activities.

Increased compliance and security measures

Greater visibility and control also create an environment that’s conducive to compliance and security.

Standardization and Consistency: Automation enforces standardized processes and document formats, ensuring that invoices and payments adhere to regulatory and organizational requirements consistently.

Access Control: Automation systems implement access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive financial data. Role-based permissions restrict access to specific functionalities, enhancing data security.

Compliance Reporting: Automation systems generate compliance reports, making it easier for businesses to demonstrate adherence to regulatory requirements when required for audits or regulatory inquiries.

Monitoring and Alerts: Automated systems can monitor transactions for anomalies or suspicious activities and send alerts for further investigation. This proactive approach helps detect and prevent fraud or compliance breaches.

Document Retention: Automation document management systems can securely store financial documents and enforce document retention policies, ensuring that financial documents are retained for the required duration and disposed of securely when no longer needed.

AP/AR automation enhances compliance and security by enforcing standardized processes, providing transparency, securing access to data, and implementing checks and controls to ensure that financial operations adhere to regulatory and security standards. This reduces the risk of compliance breaches, fraud, and data breaches, ultimately safeguarding the business’s reputation and financial well-being.

Minimizing Risk and Maximizing the Value in Digital Payments

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Leveraging Payments API for Streamlined Processes

Given the complexities of enterprise-level AP/AR, it can be tempting to address the quick wins, like automated invoice processing and payment reminders, while leaving antiquated manual payment processes in place. However, even with the benefits of other AP/AR automation, legacy payment methods like paper checks and manual ACH files will limit the benefits of the other upgrades.

For example, paper checks introduce delays in payment processing, potentially leading to late payments to suppliers and dissatisfied customers. Moreover, the costs associated with printing, postage and late payment penalties can add up significantly over time, impacting the bottom line. 

Manual ACH processing is an incremental improvement over paper checks but, like paper checks, it lacks the real-time visibility and control that automation provides, which makes account reconciliation a more manual and labor-intensive process.

Manual payments lack the transparency and auditability provided by automated payment methods. This can lead to difficulties in tracking payment history, resolving disputes and maintaining compliance with financial regulations.

The Hidden Costs of Manual Payment Operations

Real-time payment initiation and tracking

Payments automation not only improves efficiency, accuracy, transparency, security and speed of payments, but it also enhances the benefits of other AP/AR automation tools. 

Consider the example of invoice processing. If everything is automated except the payment, the immediate consequence is that a human still needs to make that payment, which can cause delays and introduce errors. But it doesn’t stop there. All data and reports related to invoicing will be automated except the fields related to payment. If decision makers need visibility into these attributes, the availability of that data is dependent on a human taking the time to map data from a manual payment process to the invoice processing system. However, if the payment is also automated, data about the payment amount, date and status is all readily available inside the integrated system. 

Benefits of payments automation include:

Cost Savings: Automation significantly reduces labor costs and eliminates expenses related to paper checks, postage and late payment penalties. The cost savings realized through automation can be substantial and contribute directly to the bottom line.

Enhanced Efficiency: Automation streamlines payment processing, reducing manual labor and speeding up transactions. This leads to quicker payments to suppliers and faster collections from customers, optimizing cash flow and ensuring timely financial operations.

Reduced Error Rates: Automation minimizes human errors associated with manual payment processing, ensuring accuracy in invoices, payment amounts and reconciliation. Fewer errors translate to fewer disputes, preserving valuable business relationships and resources.

Improved Cash Flow Management: Automation provides real-time visibility into payment status and enhances cash flow predictability. This empowers businesses to proactively manage working capital, capitalize on early payment discounts and seize growth opportunities.

Enhanced Transparency and Compliance: Automation ensures transparency in payment processes, maintaining detailed audit trails and enforcing compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies. This reduces the risk of fines or legal issues.

A business can certainly see incremental improvement from automating other portions of AP and AR processes in isolation. However, if a business wants to realize the full benefit (and ROI) of AP/AR automation, the project scope should include payments automation.

Integration with existing systems for seamless operations

For a business that has already invested in digital transformation but still processes payments manually, a payments API (Application Programming Interface) integration allows businesses to realize the benefits of payments automation without disrupting operations or overhauling existing systems. For a business that is planning a digital transformation, a payments API is an add-on that will amplify the benefits of the project and likely improve the ROI.

The API serves as a bridge between existing systems and external banks or service providers that originate payments. It facilitates the exchange of crucial financial data, including payment instructions, between these systems so that payment automation becomes an extension of existing ERP or accounting systems. Businesses can initiate and track payments, validate compliance with regulations and generate real-time reports with minimal human intervention, achieving reduced error rates, improved cash flow management and enhanced financial transparency. 

API integrations are a strategic and cost-effective way to achieve comprehensive payment automation while preserving the investments businesses have made in existing ERP and automation systems.

Choosing the right Payments API provider

Choosing the right payments API provider is crucial to a smooth implementation and obtaining the desired ROI. Keep these criteria in mind when evaluating providers:

Security and Compliance: Ensure the provider follows strict security measures, including data encryption and compliance with industry regulations.

Integration Compatibility: Choose a flexible, modern API that can seamlessly integrate with your existing systems, including your accounting software, ERP and e-commerce platforms. 

Scalability: Consider whether the API can accommodate your business’s growth. It should be scalable to handle increasing transaction volumes and expanding payment needs.

Developer-Friendliness: Evaluate the ease of implementation and the availability of developer resources, including comprehensive documentation and support. A developer-friendly API simplifies integration and troubleshooting.

Customer Support: Assess the quality and availability of customer support. Responsive and knowledgeable support is critical, especially in case of technical issues or questions.

 7 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Payment Processing Solution

Change Management Considerations

Change management is crucial during a digital transformation or the implementation of payments automation to ensure a smooth transition and successful adoption. Here’s some advice to offer finance teams and leaders:

1. Communicate the reasons for the change, its benefits, and the expected impact on roles and processes. Transparent communication helps build understanding and buy-in.

2. Involve finance teams and key stakeholders from the outset. Their input is valuable for identifying pain points and tailoring the solution to their needs.

3. Provide comprehensive training and resources to equip teams with the necessary skills to use the new technology effectively. Training should be ongoing and tailored to different user levels.

4. Identify and empower change champions within the organization. These individuals can promote the benefits of automation, address concerns and provide peer support.

5. Consider running pilot programs or phased rollouts to test the system and gather feedback. Use the pilot phase to make adjustments based on user experiences.

6. Establish feedback channels for users to voice concerns, suggest improvements and report issues. Act on feedback promptly to demonstrate responsiveness.

7. Continuously track progress and adoption metrics to identify areas that may require additional attention or support.

8. Maintain comprehensive documentation of processes, procedures and best practices related to the new system. This documentation aids in onboarding new team members and ensures consistency.

9. After implementation, continue to seek opportunities for improvement and optimization. Digital transformation is an ongoing journey, not a one-time event.

By focusing on effective change management strategies, finance teams and leaders can navigate the complexities of digital transformation and payments automation, ensuring that the transition is as seamless and successful as possible.

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AP and AR are essential functions in every business, and antiquated processes can quickly become a choke point that strains cash flow, damages customer or vendor relationships and heightens the risk of compliance failures, security breaches and fraud. AP/AR automation is an opportunity to streamline these processes, improve cash flow management, gain more visibility and control over payments and reduce risk, improving the long-term financial health of the business.

Ready to explore how automation can transform your AP/AR processes?

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