ACH Return Code Glossary
An ACH return is a credit or debit entry that is typically initiated by a Receiving Depository Financial Institution (RDFI) that returns a previously originated credit or debit entry to the Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI). With nearly 70 ACH return codes, a transaction passing through the Automated Clearing House (ACH Network) can be returned for a variety of reasons. Each return code helps the originator of each transaction determine why an item is being returned.
Each return code is specific to certain entry types and has specific time frames for return.
One of the key benefits of partnering with Dwolla for payments is how we automate the processing, notification of returns and corrections for our customers.
Below are some of the most common reasons for ACH returns:
★ Most common reasons for ACH returns in the Dwolla Network
R01 – Insufficient Funds ★
Available balance is not sufficient to cover the dollar value of the debit entry.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R02 – Account Closed ★
Previously active account has been closed.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R03 – No Account / Unable to Locate Account ★
Account number structure is valid, but doesn’t match individual identified in entry or is not an open account.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R04 – Invalid Account Number ★
Account number structure not valid
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R05 – Unauthorized Debit to Consumer Account Using Corporate SEC Code ★
A CCD or CTX debit entry was transmitted to a consumer account and was not authorized by the Receiver. Written Statement is required.
Time Frame: **60 Calendar Days
R06 – Returned per ODFI’s Request
The ODFI has requested that the RDFI return an erroneous entry, or a credit entry originated without the authorization of the Originator.
Time Frame: Not Defined, Determined by ODFI and RDFI
R07 – Authorization Revoked by Customer ★
Consumer who previously authorized entries has revoked authorization with the Originator. Written Statement is required.
Time Frame: **60 Calendar Days
R08 – Payment Stopped ★
The Receiver has requested the stop payment of a specific ACH debit entry.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R09 – Uncollected Funds ★
Sufficient balance exists, but the value of uncollected items brings available balance below the amount of debit entry.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R10 – Customer Advises Originator is Not Known to Receiver and/or Originator is Not Authorized by Receiver to Debit Receiver’s Account ★
Receiver has no relationship with the Originator or has not authorized the Originator to debit the account. Written Statement is required.
Time Frame: **60 Calendar Days
R11 – Customer Advises Entry Not in Accordance with the Terms of the Authorization ★
The debit entry was inaccurate or improperly initiated. Other reasons include source document was ineligible, notice was not provided to the receiver or amount was inaccurately obtained. Written statement is required.
Time Frame: **60 Calendar Days
R12 – Account Sold to Another DFI
A financial institution received an entry to an account that was sold to another FI (typically due to a merger).
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R13 – Invalid ACH Routing Number
Entry contains a receiving DFI identification or gateway identification that is not a valid ACH routing number.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R14 – Representative Payee Deceased or Unable to Continue in That Capacity
The representative payee is a person either deceased or no longer able to continue in original capacity (i.e. legally incapacitated adults or minors), while the beneficiary is not deceased.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R15 – Beneficiary or Account Holder Deceased
(1) The beneficiary is deceased, or (2) The account holder is deceased.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R16 – Account Frozen/Entry Returned per OFAC Instruction ★
(1) Access to the account is restricted due to specific action taken by the RDFI or by legal action; or (2) OFAC has instructed the RDFI to return the entry.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R17 – File Record Edit Criteria/Entry with Invalid Account Number Initiated Under Questionable Circumstances
(1) Field(s) cannot be processed by RDFI; or (2) The entry contains an invalid DFI Account Number (account closed/no account/unable to locate account/invalid account number) and is believed by the RDFI to have been initiated under questionable circumstances.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R18 – Improper Effective Entry Date
(1) The effective entry date for a credit entry is more than two banking days after the banking day of processing as established by the originating ACH Operator; or (2) The effective entry date for a debit entry is more than one banking day after the processing date.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R19 – Amount Field Error
(1) Amount field is non-numeric; (2) Amount field is not zero in a prenotification, DNE, ENR, notification of change, or zero dollar CCD, CTX, or IAT entry; (3) Amount field is zero in an entry other than a prenotification, DNE, ENR, notification of change, return, dishonored return, or zero dollar CCD, CTX, or IAT entry; or (4) Amount field is greater than $25,000 for ARC, BOC, and POP entries.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R20 – Non-Transaction Account ★
ACH entry to a non-transaction account (typically due to account holder exceeding their monthly withdrawal threshold under Regulation D).
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R21 – Invalid Company Identification
The identification number used in the company identification field is not valid.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R22 – Invalid Individual ID Number
The Receiver has indicated to the RDFI that the number with which the Originator identified is not correct.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R23 – Credit Entry Refused By Receiver
Any credit entry that is refused by the Receiver may be returned by the RDFI.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R24 – Duplicate Entry
The RDFI has received what appears to be a duplicate entry; i.e. the trace number, date, dollar amount and/or other data matches another transaction.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R25 – Addenda Error
(1) Addenda record indicator value is incorrect; (2) Addenda type code is invalid, out of sequence, or missing; (3) Number of addenda records exceeds allowable maximum; or (4) Addenda sequence number is invalid.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R26 – Mandatory Field Error
Erroneous data or missing data in a mandatory field.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R27 – Trace Number Error
(1) Original entry trace number is not present in the addenda record on a return or notification of change entry; or (2) Trace number of an addenda record is not the same as the trace number of the preceding entry detail record.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R28 – Routing Number Check Digit Error
The check digit for the routing number is invalid.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R29 – Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized ★
The RDFI has been notified by the Receiver (non-consumer) that a specific entry has not been authorized by the Receiver.
Time Frame: *2 Banking Days
R30 – RDFI Not Participant in Check Truncation Program
The RDFI does not participate in a check truncation program.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R31 – Permissible Return Entry (CCD and CTX only)
The RDFI may return a CCD or CTX entry that the ODFI agrees to accept.
Time Frame: Not Defined, Determined by ODFI and RDFI
R32 – RDFI Non-Settlement
The RDFI is not able to settle the entry.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R34 – Limited Participation DFI
The RDFI participation has been limited by a federal or state supervisor.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R35 – Return of Improper Debit Entry
Debit entries (with the exception of reversing entries) are not permitted for CIE entries or to loan accounts.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R36 – Return of Improper Credit Entry
ACH credit entries (with the exception of reversing entries) are not permitted for use with ARC, BOC, POP, RCK, TEL, XCK.
Time Frame: Next File Delivery Time Following Processing
R61 – Misrouted Return
The financial institution preparing the return entry (the RDFI of the original entry) has placed the incorrect routing number in the receiving DFI identification field.
Time Frame: Within Five Banking Days After the Settlement Date of the Return Entry
R62 – Return of Erroneous or Reversing Debit
The Originator’s/ODFI’s use of the reversal process has resulted in, or failed to correct, an unintended credit to the Receiver.
Time Frame: Within Five Banking Days After the Settlement Date of the Return Entry
R67 – Duplicate Return
The ODFI has received more than one return for the same entry.
Time Frame: Within Five Banking Days After the Settlement Date of the Return Entry
R68 – Untimely Return
The return entry has not been sent within the time frame established by Nacha rules.
Time Frame: Within Five Banking Days After the Settlement Date of the Return Entry
R69 – Field Error(s)
One or more of the field requirements are incorrect.
Time Frame: Within Five Banking Days After the Settlement Date of the Return Entry
R70 – Permissible Return Entry Not Accepted/Return Not Requested by ODFI
The ODFI has received a return entry identified by the RDFI as being returned with the permission of, or at the request of, the ODFI, but the ODFI has not agreed to accept the entry or has not requested the return of the entry.
Time Frame: Within Five Banking Days After the Settlement Date of the Return Entry
R71 – Misrouted Dishonored Return
The financial institution preparing the dishonored return entry (the ODFI of the original entry) has placed the incorrect routing number in the receiving DFI identification field.
Time Frame: Within Two Banking Days of the Settlement Date of the Dishonored Return Entry
R72 – Untimely Dishonored Return
The dishonored return entry has not been sent within the designated time frame.
Time Frame: Within Two Banking Days of the Settlement Date of the Dishonored Return Entry
R73 – Timely Original Return
The RDFI is certifying that the original return entry was sent within the time frame designated within Nacha rules.
Time Frame: Within Two Banking Days of the Settlement Date of the Dishonored Return Entry
R74 – Corrected Return
The RDFI is correcting a previous return entry that was dishonored using return code R69 because it contained incomplete or incorrect information.
Time Frame: Within Two Banking Days of the Settlement Date of the Dishonored Return Entry
R75 – Return Not a Duplicate
The return entry was not a duplicate of an entry previously returned by the RDFI.
Time Frame: Within Two Banking Days of the Settlement Date of the Dishonored Return Entry
R76 – No Errors Found
The original return entry did not contain the errors indicated by the ODFI in the dishonored return entry.
Time Frame: Within Two Banking Days of the Settlement Date of the Dishonored Return Entry
R77 – Non-Acceptance of R62 Dishonored Return
The RDFI returned both the erroneous entry and the related reversing entry, or the funds relating to the R62 dishonored return are not recoverable from the Receiver.
Time Frame: Within Two Banking Days of the Settlement Date of the Dishonored Return Entry
*Each return entry must be received by the RDFI’s ACH Operator by its deposit deadline for the return entry to be made available to the ODFI no later than the opening of business on the second banking day following the settlement date of the original entry.
**Each return entry must be received by the RDFI’s ACH Operator by its deposit deadline for the return entry to be made available to the ODFI no later than the opening of business on the banking day following the sixtieth calendar day following the settlement date of the original entry.